Chelsea F. Miller
Tucker Middle School
678-875-0902 Main Office
678-875-0906 Direct
[email protected]
Registration and Enrollment
Infinite Campus – Parent Portal
Additional Resources
Registration and Enrollment
New Student
A new student is a student who has never attended a DeKalb School or didn’t attend a DeKalb School in the previous year.
All students new to DeKalb must complete an Online registration application. Below are the documents required for registration.
- An official document showing proof of birth date (birth certificate or certified birth record)
- Current proof of residency (mortgage or lease and a utility bill showing name of parent/guardian and current address)
- Valid Georgia Certificate of Immunization (GA Form #3231)
- Evidence of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (GA Form #3300)
- Valid government-issued photo ID of the adult (parent or legal guardian) registering the child (driver’s license, military ID, passport)
- Child’s social security card/number (or you may sign a waiver)
- Most recent report card or official school transcript
- Most recent discipline records from previous school
- Withdrawal documents from previous school
Click here to view the New Student Registration video
Click here to begin the Online Registration
Annual Verification
All students continuing in the same feeder pattern/zoned school and students who are continuing in DeKalb but are transferring to a different school within DeKalb must complete an Annual Verification.
Click here to view the Annual Verification video
If a student is leaving the district, a withdrawal form must be completed.
Click Withdrawal Form_meet the Registrar.pdf for our withdrawal form. Upon completion, email the completed form to [email protected] Please be sure to include a copy of your photo ID.
If you are transferring within DeKalb, you do not need to complete our withdrawal form. You should complete an Annual Verification and notify the current school to begin the withdrawal process. If a student is withdrawn from the current school before the Annual Verification is completed, you will need to call the new school for registration instructions. Proof of Residency must be presented and an Annual Verification completed upon the enrollment at the new school.
Infinite Campus – Parent Portal
Infinite Campus – Parent Portal is a confidential and secure website that provides parents, students and staff with real-time access to information to better understand, monitor and participate in the educational process.
Click here to access Infinite Campus
Click here to view Creating a Campus Account video
If you do not have a Campus Portal account, click here to create an account.
Please contact your local school if you need additional help or have questions.
Additional Resources
School Locator
Bus Routes – Tucker Middle School
Affidavit of Residence
Caregiver Affidavit
Nutrition – Free and Reduce Lunch Application
DeKalb Health Centers
DeKalb International Welcome Center 678-876-6602
School Social Workers 678-676-1804
Student Relations 678-676-1811
Transportation 678-676-1300
School Choice 678-676-0035